Being Wild Women does not mean we have to be Lone Wolves…
The wild woman thrives on being with her pack and ample space to roam free in her creative sensual nature.
The rawness of her wildness craves feeling the earth close to her belly and the holding of her loved ones.
She requires the bounty of wilderness and submersion of solitude to breathe into her aliveness and primal purpose.
Often, however, the wild woman can be mistaken, or mistaken herself, as the lone wolf… she has been hurt too many times… in her eyes, it is safest to be embodied and embraced by the tapestry of Mother Earth.
She is misunderstood and ostrosized in her wild nature…for being her bold, erotic, creative pure essence…
so she ventures alone.
She leaves the pack or isolates.
May even care for her cubs alone.
Being rejected, she rejects the very den that once comforted and raised her.
Lovers, family, friends, careers, ways of life.
A wild hair in the groomed environment.
She becomes more guarded, carries more masculinity and believes she must do it all alone.
The community or masculinity has not held her safe so she believes she must hold it all and protect herself.
However, she is learning that her unique howl is essential to the community. Her vulnerability is power instead of rigidity.
The soft underbelly of her being is exposed and stable in the truth of who she is.
This vulnerability is essential to finding the wolf pack that accepts her as she is, uplifts and cherishes her… and which she can let her womb rest, restore and remember the rocks and soil beneath her…
When the wild woman is held by the luna and she-wolves who understand and love her… when the alpha wolves respect and protect her… she is safe to drop into her intuitive womb. Her creative life force.
With ease and grace she is able to connect more deeply with her animal body, to move and explore from a space of sacred aloneness instead of loneliness and abandonment.