Hannah Rapp

Hannah is a Rites of Passage Guide, Integrative Arts Therapist, Rewilding Mentor and Embodiment Photographer. She is passionate about creating nourishing spaces for women to embody their truth, express their fullness, feel belonging in their body and on the earth, and claim their sensual aliveness.

Her path and life's work  emerged from a deep listening; An exploration of emotional landscapes, the language of the body, the wisdom of the earth, ceremony and connection to the wild feminine.

Immersing herself in the wilderness, listening to the natural rhythms of her own body and the natural world, being present with her emotional intelligence, and circling together with sisters is what guides her path. Photography, expressive arts, nature immersion and ceremony have provided her an outlet to navigate self expression, connect to the body and earth, and share these profound experiences of healing with other women.

She is devoted to supporting a range of women in exploring their authentic embodiment and expression; To be a midwife in their relationship to body and earth, sensuality and creativity, sisterhood and soul.

 "It is my passion to weave a pathway between the natural world, our emotional landscapes and creative spirit; to guide women home to their body and enliven their soul."

A Kentucky gal at heart, she fall in love with the expansive horizons, way of life and indigenous culture of northern New Mexico, and after 9 years call these sacred lands home.

However, she loves traveling to other landscapes and cultures to learn, expand, be inspired and influence her work from a variety of backgrounds.

After completing her masters as an art therapist and retrieving her license as mental health counselor she went on a deep dive into vision quest and plant medicine ceremony, body and earth-based practices and creative expression. She has facilitated free form dance and attends African and ecstatic dance classes regularly, participated and assisted in various medicine and vision quest ceremonies in the US and Mexico, as well as a rock climbing and rafting guide. She currently is involved in the devotion of doulaship for both death and birth processes. This work is a passion as she weaves rites of passage into all of her sessions.

these passions have guided me in how I support others on their healing journey while continuing to cultivate my own relationship to the elements and my body.

"I give gratitude to my mentors and guides Katherine Ninos and Carol Parker in Wilderness Solo Fasts and ceremony, Amelia Robinson in expressive arts therapy, my memaw/grandmother, dear soul sisters and mama earth in your unconditional love and unwavering support! It is a blessing to walk this journey with you."

with wild love,




IG: @wildernessence
